About Us

Welcome to BestInPortugal.com

 Before talking about the Best In Portugal website, I’d like to briefly introduce myself. My name is Alberto Rouiller and I’ve been living in Lisbon, Capital of sunny Portugal for the past twenty years. I’ve always kept my Brazilian “Carioca” (natural from Rio de Janeiro) roots of optimism in searching for the fuller half of the cup, knowing that life has always something to teach you.

Best In Portugal showcases the best things that Portugal has to offer, ranging from business, industry, services, portugal brands, scientific achievements, personalities, sports, culture, food & beverage, travel destinations and some of the unique nature that can be appreciated in Portugal.

Why Portugal, you might ask?

Besides the sun, the blue skies, the friendly and hospitable people, good food and it’s geographical compact diversity which make it one of Europe’s most rewarding tourist destinations, Portugal is a country with over 800 years of history. It has always faced adversity and challenges with ingenuity and braveness. This endurance and determination led to the Golden ages of Portugal in the 15th and 16th centuries where Portuguese explorers navigated through most of the world seas, discovering “new” worlds.

This determination was later put to test with the great earthquake of 1755 which ravaged most of the capital, Lisbon (later rebuilt, under the efforts of Marquês de Pombal which transformed Lisbon into a new city).

In today’s competitive business environment with the daunting global economic challenges to face,  we can always count on nature and the bright sunny days to make life worth living here.  Therefore, my objective is to spread the good word, so that others can benefit from products, services and offers Made in Portugal.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy my blog, so please tell others

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if not, please tell me.

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If you are interested in writing as a guest blogger on BestInPortugal, you can send me a message, thanks! 

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Ricardo Nuno Silva May 27, 2011 at 15:55

Caro Alberto:

Excelente o trabalho no blog!
Parabéns pelo esforço continuado de tradução de artigos interessantes e representativos :-)

Caso ache relevante, convido-o a ver esta micro-colecção de vídeos, fotos e artigos sobre o melhor de Portugal:

|  Conhecer Portugal: Vídeos, Fotos e Artigos Imperdíveis!

Penso que tem o mesmo espírito do seu projecto editorial ;-)


Alrouiller May 27, 2011 at 22:35

Caro Ricardo,

Muito obrigado pelo seu comentário. Também gostei muito da sua compilação “Conhecer Portugal” – temos que realçar tudo que há de positivo neste país (e há muito para se dizer)! Vamos passar a palavra…


Portugal Untouched December 23, 2011 at 19:44

Excellent new blog that I have put up in my blogroll on my own blog about Portugal  in general! Thank you!
Portugal  Untouched

BestInPortugal December 26, 2011 at 22:48

Thanks for your comment. I've found that your blog also has interesting topics on Portugal, reason why I've included in my blogroll as well. Cheers.

Graça Silva June 6, 2012 at 12:20

It seems very interesting, how did you disclose the best services in hospitality
Best Regards

BestInPortugal June 6, 2012 at 21:55

Hi Graça, I’m always receptive to talented writers who wish to put their creative juices to work on an article related to the best that Portugal has to offer, so if you are up to the challenge, feel free to contact me.  Have a great day!

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